Getting ready to sell your home usually requires some extra steps. Maybe you need to stage your home or paint the interior, or maybe you chose an eggplant purple for the outside of your home and now realize that color is off-putting for potential buyers. Talk to your Shorewest, REALTOR® about your home exterior and whether or not it would be a good idea to upgrade before you start showings. Neutral and traditional are the way to go. You want to make sure that anyone can picture themselves living there and visitors cannot do that if your personality and preferences are shining through.
1. Off-White
5. Blue Grey
8. Sable Brown
These colors will invoke a feeling of warmth and will feel inviting to potential buyers. Give some thought to the outside of your home, first impressions make all the difference! #ShorewestRealtors #SellingYourHome #PaintColor
Tags: Home Color, Homeowner, House Color, How-To, paint, Painting, real estate tips, Selling, selling your home, shorewest, shorewest family, Shorewest Realtors, shorewest tips
Categories: Home Improvement, Home Selling, Homeowner, How to, Real Estate Tips
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