After your last harvest of the season, it is time to get back in your garden and get everything cleaned up before the snow comes. This is an important phase in your garden — what you do now can make or break your garden growing in the spring!
Here are some things you can do to put your garden to bed this fall:
- *Collect and dry seeds for next year.
- *Gather herbs and flowers for drying. Tie the stems into small bundles and hang them upside down in a warm, dry place.
- *Pull up dead annuals and put them on the compost pile after the first frost.
- *Cut back your perennials. Cut back only the dead parts and dispose of them separately.
- *Clean up overgrown areas. This will prevent stubborn, weedy shrubs from moving in.
- *Empty and clean all containers, cages and garden ornaments to keep them from cracking in the winter.
- *Detach and drain all garden hoses.
- *Clean, sharpen and oil all of your tools.
- *Weed your flower beds.
- *Mulch your beds with leaves. Leaves help protect your soil from erosion and compaction.
- *Clean your bird feeders and baths.
These are important steps to take for your garden to fully go through the cycles of the seasons. Your garden must get ready to be dormant in the winter and flourish in the spring! For more tips on preparing your garden for fall, visit our Pinterest Page! #ShorewestRealtors #Gardening #Fall
Tags: Clean Up, fall, Garden, gardening, Gardening Tips, shorewest, shorewest family, Shorewest Realtors, spring, Winter
Categories: Home Improvement, Homeowner, How to, Real Estate Tips, Tuesday Tips
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